Thursday, 14 January 2016



Carrying on from the shooting schedule, this clear and detailed storyboard shows the final scenes of the film. There will be more shots than 19, but I chose these 6 shots to represent the full ending idea of our short film.

As well as images and shot details, this storyboard also includes details on audio that the viewer will hear. In this assignment, sound is very important, because we are not allowed to use one music track and we must keep dialogue at a minimum. We still intend to use a lot of sound in our piece. We will do this by creating a melody and a beat similar to David Bowies songs to resemble his music by using various sound effects, such as, tapping the floor or beating a desk. We also intend on using other lifelike sound effects to convey a natural environment e.g. Car horns, birds tweeting and clocks ticking.

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